Lifeguard Training Review Class Description

Lifeguard Training Review w\ Optional Waterfront

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Reviews the skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies.

The purpose of this course is to help participants achieve recertification in Lifeguard Training without having to take the full content course.

Click for Details... Lifeguard Training Review w\ Optional Waterfront

Registration: Concord June 78R

June 7 - 4pm-8pm & June 8 - 9am -5pm

 @ NH Swim School, 41 Hall St. Concord NH 03301

Waterfront Component additional $100 add at Check out
You may add multiple students to this class by clicking the "Add Another Student" button.
Students attend the class; the billing person pays the fee. If you are one and the same, fill out Student and Billing forms.

This event is currently full and we are not allowing for any more registrations at this time. We do apologize for this, but would like to offer you to be added to our Waiting List. Fill out the following form, then if someone cancels their registration, you will be notified and given the opportunity to become an official registrant.

Student 1 Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Address 2:
Confirm Email:
Phone 123-123-1234:
Add Waterfront Component ($100):
There are -1 spaces remaining in this event.